School English Mystery Story Part 1- File 1 : Bloody TroubleFile 1 : Bloody Trouble “Hey, Harley!” Draco called, “You've got sent to the principal's office, right?” he ask. “Yes.....” Harley said sadly, “I will see you guys after.....” he says in fidgety. Harley arrive at the office and saw Willow walking towards him. “I hear that you've got sent to the principal's office...” Willow haven't finish her words then Harley worrying and telling her to shut up. He walk pass Willow feeling embarrassed, even thought that she was his team mate. Willow doesn't like the way that Harley acts sometimes, but she find it quit funny and cute. “ah.....” Willow hear Harley whisper scream, then run over to him, through the principal's door and sees Harley shaking nervously, then she see a bloody person lying on the floor. The principal. Willow scream, “AAAAAAAHHHH!!!”. As she scream, the other teacher who's there, came running through the principal's door. “CALL THE POLICE!” one of the teacher cry, “Keep Harley here! He's the first one to see the body, he's the main suspect, right Willow?”. Willow nod slowly. The polices came. It was Mr Baylon and his partner Jake Scott. Came cameras sound, photo of the dead body and other clues. “The dead person die around 8:30 am, name Elliot JDay, 46, the principal of Spring Freedom College.” “Keep all the English teacher who have long hair to around their shoulders. Harley didn't do it.” says a girl voice. “Snow! Draco! Willow! And Harley!” Mr Baylon cry, “But why?” “Because of this.” Draco says, while he take the laptop and camera out at front of them, then he press play. The screen shows black and white, very foggy, but it still seem able. 8:28 am, a person with long hair to their shoulders came in, with a bag that every teachers have and they start talking as well as screaming, but have no idea what they are talking and screaming about. After 3-4 minutes, the person who came in pull a sharp thing out and start fighting, then the camera seems to be broken. “That's why” Draco say coldly, “so keep Miss JDay, Mr Sam, Mrs Mocry and Mrs Bruce here, and other teacher may go.”. After the other teachers go, Mr Baylon ask “How do you know is English teacher?” “I think it's because of what they have found,” Jake says while he's taking out his note book. “A cross necklace on the floor with blood at the back; A English book with blood circle around the word ''English'' and a ''0'' under the word English; A silver pen with the words ''Auckland Zoo'' written on it, and blood on the letter ''n'' and two ''o''s.” “Get all four of their basic information.” Mr Baylon tell Jake. “Then let Snow, Draco, Willow and Harley know.”